I've got a full lineup of Blog Tour stops this month, promoting my newly released YA book! Join me! I'm giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to one lucky blog hopper, so sign up as often as you can by following my tour and commenting! Would love to talk about this book!
May 12: The Avid Reader http://the-avidreader.blogspot.com/2016/05/12-blurb-blitz-tour-giveaway-spirit-of-the-northwoods-by-auria-jourdain-GF.html
May 13: Bookthusiasm https://bookthusiasm.wordpress.com/
May 16: Fiction Zeal http://www.fictionzeal.com/
May 17: Queen of All She Reads http://queenofallshereads.blogspot.com/
May 18: Our Families Adventure http://pirategrl1014.blogspot.com/
May 19: T's Stuff http://teresanoel.blogspot.com/2016/05/blurb-blitz-spirit-of-northwoods-by.html
May 20: Angela Myron's Blog http://www.angelamyron.com/blog
May 23: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews http://thepenmuse.net/?p=13232
May 24: Independent Authors https://indieauthorsblog.wordpress.com/?p=5312
May 25: Stormy Vixen Book Reviews http://stormyvixen.booklikes.com/
May 26: Welcome to My World of Dreams http://jhthomas.blogspot.com/2016/05/win-20-gc-spirit-of-northwoods-by-auria.html
May 27: Books in the Hall http://booksinthehall.blogspot.com/2016/05/spirit-of-northwoods-by-auria-jourdain.html
May 12: The Avid Reader http://the-avidreader.blogspot.com/2016/05/12-blurb-blitz-tour-giveaway-spirit-of-the-northwoods-by-auria-jourdain-GF.html
May 13: Bookthusiasm https://bookthusiasm.wordpress.com/
May 16: Fiction Zeal http://www.fictionzeal.com/
May 17: Queen of All She Reads http://queenofallshereads.blogspot.com/
May 18: Our Families Adventure http://pirategrl1014.blogspot.com/
May 19: T's Stuff http://teresanoel.blogspot.com/2016/05/blurb-blitz-spirit-of-northwoods-by.html
May 20: Angela Myron's Blog http://www.angelamyron.com/blog
May 23: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews http://thepenmuse.net/?p=13232
May 24: Independent Authors https://indieauthorsblog.wordpress.com/?p=5312
May 25: Stormy Vixen Book Reviews http://stormyvixen.booklikes.com/
May 26: Welcome to My World of Dreams http://jhthomas.blogspot.com/2016/05/win-20-gc-spirit-of-northwoods-by-auria.html
May 27: Books in the Hall http://booksinthehall.blogspot.com/2016/05/spirit-of-northwoods-by-auria-jourdain.html